View the Meetings Report
  • 25 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

View the Meetings Report

Article Summary

The Meetings report provides data on the number of meetings that have been scheduled, the total time participants spent in meetings, and the details of the meetings. Within the report, you can use the extensive filter options to drill down into the meeting history for a specific program, cohort, and participant or group of participants over a specific period of time.

Step 1

From the left-hand navigation, click Reports, then Meetings.

Step 2

Here the data for the programs and cohorts you have Admin access for will be displayed by default. In the top-right, click Filter.

Based on the specific information you want to report on, select your desired date range, participant(s), meeting status, path, path template, program, cohort, and dispute status

For meeting status, you'll have the following options:

  • Upcoming - The meeting has been scheduled and is upcoming.

  • Processing - Torch has not yet determined a meeting status. This is a temporary automated status with no action required.

  • Completed - The meeting has been completed.

  • Canceled - The meeting was canceled.

  • Late canceled - The meeting was canceled within the late cancel window (within 24 hours of the meeting, by default), or the participant didn't show up.

TORCH TIP: As an example, if you want to see how much time in coaching a participant has completed over the last 30 days, select the applicable date range, that participant, and "Completed" for meeting status.

Once you've selected your desired filters, click Apply.

Filter Meetings Report

Step 3

At the top of the page, you'll see the number of meetings that fit your selected filter criteria and the sum of durations, which represents the total time the selected participants collectively spent in meetings.

Additionally, the results table will display the meeting name, date and time, and duration for each applicable meeting along with its program, cohort, and meeting status.

Meetings Report

TORCH TIP: Want to download the results? Click Export CSV in the top-right above the results table. Any filters you've applied to the data will be reflected in the file, which will download automatically.

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