- 10 Oct 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
View the Coaching Engagement Report
- Updated on 10 Oct 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
The Coaching Engagement report gives you an overview of the pending action items, key metrics, and meeting data for all your coaching programs in one place. Follow these steps to access the report, or reference more information about the included metrics at a glance.
Access the Coaching Engagement Report
From the left-hand navigation, click Reports, then Coaching engagement.
Here you'll see data for the programs and cohorts you have Admin access for.
In the Admin action items section, you'll see a high-level summary of participants' outstanding tasks for each cohort that has pending action items. Click Take action next to a row to manage the action items for that cohort.
In the following Key metrics tab, you can learn more about user engagement, 360 assessment, and learning goal trends.
In the neighboring Coaching meetings tab, you can drill down into meeting data for individual participants and their respective partnerships.
Based on the specific information you want to report on, select your desired programs, cohorts and user attributes (active, inactive, or paused partnership status) from the filter dropdown menus. After choosing your selections from each dropdown, click Apply.
The data in the Key metrics and Coaching meetings tabs will update accordingly based on your selected filters.
TORCH TIP: Want to download the report data? Click Download data in the top right to start the automatic download. |
Metrics at a Glance
Admin Action Items
Each row of this table represents a cohort with pending action items. You'll see the total number of action items for that cohort, the program and cohort name, and a list of pending action item titles.
Key Metrics
User Engagement
Displays a bar chart with the number of users who have been invited to a program and who are in partnership each month over the last six months. To see the number of "Invited" or "In partnership" participants in a given month, hover your cursor over the relevant chart section.
In partnership - Participants who are in the "In partnership" stage and have a user status of "Active" during the displayed time period.
NOTE: It's possible that a participant is in more than one cohort, and therefore has more than one user status. This report section counts each partnership rather than each user, meaning that users who have participated in more than one program may be counted multiple times within the data. |
Invited - Participants who are in the "Invited", "Match profile completed", or "Coach recommendations sent" stages and have a user status of "Active" during the displayed time period.
TORCH TIP: To check a user's status, return to your admin dashboard. From the left-hand navigation, click Users. All listed users are "Active", unless the row with their information is grayed out and there's a "Deactivated" label beneath their name. |
Includes the sign up rate percentage, which is the number of "In partnership" users in the last displayed month included on the chart divided by the total number of users displayed.
360 Assessment
Displays a pie chart with the number of incomplete and complete 360 assessments.
Incomplete - 360 assessments in the "Not started," "Self-assessment pending," "Feedback pending," or "Eligible for release" stages.
Complete - 360 assessments in the "Released" stage.
While you can generally expect to see one 360 assessment per partnership, the total number may be higher if your partnership path template includes more than one assessment, or any participants have been rematched with a different coach and have taken another assessment as a result. Additionally, if your coaching program does not include a 360 assessment, there will be no data visible on this chart.
Includes a quick link to access the 360 Assessments report and view data on how your participants are progressing with their 360 assessments, along with aggregate results of the assessments.
Learning Goals
Displays a pie chart with the number of participants who have and have not set learning goals.
Not set - The total number of participants with 0 learning goals.
Set - The total number of participants with at least 1 learning goal.
Coaching Meetings
Each row of this table represents a program participant and partnership. Keep in mind that an individual may show up more than once if they were rematched or went through a Coaching program multiple times.
For each participant and partnership, you'll see:
The participant's name along with the name of their partnership path
Average number of meetings per month
Number of completed meetings
Number of upcoming meetings
The date of the next scheduled meeting, if applicable
The date of the most recently completed meeting, if applicable
The partnership end date
Click a column name to sort the table rows by that specific metric in ascending or descending order.