View the 360 Assessments Report
  • 25 Jan 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

View the 360 Assessments Report

Article summary

The 360 Assessments report provides insight into how your participants are progressing with their 360 assessments along with aggregate results of the assessments.

Access the 360 Stages tab

The 360 Stages tab provides insight into how your participants are progressing with their 360 assessments.

Step 1

From the left-hand navigation, click Reports, then 360 Assessments.

Step 2

The Stages tab opens by default. Here you'll see data for the programs and cohorts you have Admin access for.

NOTE: The 360 Assessments report includes data from New Torch only. However, data from 360s in Coaching Programs on the New Torch platform, 360s in Collaborative Learning paths, and Standalone Torch 360s will be included. To review data for a specific assessment, program, or cohort, use the available filter options.

Step 3

In the top-right, click Filter

From the "Assessment is" dropdown, select the name of the assessment you want to report on. If you want to view data for specific programs or cohorts only, select them from the "Program is" and "Cohort is" dropdown menus accordingly.

When you're done, click Apply.

After selecting the assessment and any specific programs and cohorts you want to report on, click Apply

In the 360 Assessment Stages section, the funnel chart displays the number of people who have been in each stage. The percentage between each stage represents the percentage of participants from the previous stage who proceeded into the next stage.

In the Stages by Participant section, the table displays the participants, their program and cohort, and their current stage and how long they have been in it. If a participant's results have been released, the release date will also be listed.

The possible assessment stages include:

  • Not Started - The participant has not yet started their 360 assessment.

  • Self-assessment pending - The participant has not yet finished their self-assessment.

  • Feedback pending - The participant has not yet received enough feedback or not enough time has passed for their results to be released. The default requirements are 5 feedback providers or 21 days.

  • Eligible for release - The results can be released to the participant.

  • Released - The results have been released to the participant.

Access the 360 Results tab

The 360 Results tab provides aggregate reporting on your participants' 360 assessment results.

Step 1

From the left-hand navigation menu, click Reports, then 360 Assessments

Step 2

The Stages tab opens by default. Click the neighboring Results tab. Here you'll have access to data for the programs and cohorts you have Admin access for.

NOTE: The 360 Assessments report includes data from New Torch only. However, data from 360s in Coaching Programs on the New Torch platform, 360s in Collaborative Learning paths, and Standalone Torch 360s will be included. To review data for a specific assessment, program, or cohort, use the available filter options.

Step 3

In the top-right, click Filter

From the "Assessment is" dropdown, select the name of the assessment you want to report on. If you want to view data for specific programs or cohorts only, select them from the "Program is" and "Cohort is" dropdown menus accordingly.

When you're done, click Apply.

After selecting the assessment and any specific programs and cohorts you want to report on, click Apply

The data will be presented within a "View your team results" chart. Use the dropdown in the top-right to toggle between scores from Feedback Providers and participants' self-assessments.

Here you'll find the following information:

  • Sub-Domain - The Torch Leadership Assessment uses these nine sub-domains to assess an individual’s leadership effectiveness and potential.

  • 360 Scores - This is your team’s average scores across each sub-domain.

  • Hidden Opportunities - Leadership behaviors in the 360 are identified as hidden opportunities if a participant's self-rating for the behavior is higher than the average colleague rating by at least 0.75, and the average colleague rating is lower than 3.75 out of 5.

  • Hidden Strengths - Leadership behaviors in the 360 are identified as hidden strengths if a participant's self-rating for the behavior is lower than the average colleague rating by at least 0.75, and the average colleague rating is greater than 4 out 5.