Torch 360 Leadership Assessment FAQs for Participants
  • 20 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

Torch 360 Leadership Assessment FAQs for Participants

Article summary

Want to know more about the Torch 360 Leadership Assessment? Start here. For quick navigation, click on a topic below to go directly to that section.

Learning the Basics

What is the 360 assessment?

The Torch 360 Leadership Assessment, more commonly referred to as the Torch 360, 360 assessment, or just "the 360", is a state-of-the-art leadership assessment which leverages holistic and evidence-based research to help Torch program participants pinpoint the highest value areas of behavioral change. It allows participants to reflect about themselves and receive feedback from others in one comprehensive tool.

The 360 assessment includes 42 questions, 39 of which are statements that ask respondents to rate themselves in relation to others (using a "Much less than others", "Less than others", "Same as others", "More than others", and "Much more than others" scale), and 3 of which require a free text written response. The individual questions are rolled up into categories called leadership domains that are used to assess a person's leadership effectiveness and areas of opportunity.

How exactly does the 360 assessment work?

You will complete the 360 self-assessment at the designated timeframe during your program. The 360 is most often used as a tool to kickoff a Torch program, so you can discover insights about yourself and identify areas of behavior change to focus on. 

Once you've completed the assessment, you will be required to invite at least 5 colleagues from a variety of roles (such as Manager, Direct Report, or Peer) to complete the assessment and evaluate your leadership qualities. 

After the release criteria have been met, you will receive your 360 assessment results and debrief the feedback in your next scheduled meeting.

Understanding Data Collection and Privacy Policies

Who is feedback shared with?

Written feedback is never shared beyond you and your coach or designated debriefer. The aggregate, de-identified scores are shared with the overall administrators of the Torch program.

Are feedback providers kept anonymous?

Whenever feedback is requested, we describe the level of anonymity that has been configured for that request. Generally, the configuration is set to “Anonymize feedback”, which means that the feedback provider's name will not be shared alongside their specific qualitative answers or written feedback. However, their written feedback will be delivered to you verbatim. 

For quantitative feedback (how a feedback provider scored you on the individual assessment statements), feedback providers will be identified by their job role in relation to you (e.g. Manager or Direct Report). Sometimes there are not many feedback providers for a given request, and you may be able to discern who provided the feedback based on the style, tone, language use, and knowledge or opinions shared.

Reporting on Results

When can I access my results?

In order for your 360 results to be released to you, one of the following criteria must be met:

  • You have completed your self-assessment AND all of the colleagues you have invited to provide feedback have done so.

  • At least five of the colleagues you invited to provide feedback have done so.

  • 21 days have passed since you invited the first colleague to provide feedback.

Once one of the above criteria have been met, either your coach or a designated debriefer will release your results. You can discuss with your coach or designated debriefer if you should wait for additional feedback first if there are folks who have not responded.

After the results have been released, you will be unable to make changes to your self-assessment or request additional feedback, and anyone who has not provided feedback will no longer be able to provide feedback. This is to preserve the anonymity of the feedback providers.

How do I access my results?

Follow these steps to view your 360 results. You can reference this article for guidance on interpreting the results.