Invite an Admin to the Platform
  • 19 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Invite an Admin to the Platform

Article summary

Want to enlist the help of a colleague in managing your Torch program? Follow these steps to invite an admin to the Torch platform.

Step 1

From the left-hand navigation, click Users.

Step 2

Click Invite admin in the top-right.

Step 3

Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the person you want to add as an admin.

NOTE: If the user already has a Torch account, their name will appear in the dropdown when you begin typing their name.

Select the relevant workspace from the dropdown, if applicable.

TORCH TIP: Torch programs and cohorts (groups of participants who are going through a program experience at the same time) belong to workspaces, which are used to split up data and and limit access to subsets of the data. Your Torch account may have just one workspace, or multiple.

Check the relevant boxes to add the user's permissions. Your options may include:

  • Owner - Can access all workspaces, and invite other owners, admins, and editors to any workspace.
  • Admin - Can access their assigned workspaces, and invite other admins and editors who should have access to those workspaces.
  • Editor - Can only create paths and content in their assigned workspaces.

TORCH TIP: Your own permissions will determine which roles you can invite. Not sure which permissions to choose? Check out Understanding Torch Platform Roles for more information.

When you're done, click Invite admin.

Invite Admin