Interpret Your 360 Results
  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Interpret Your 360 Results

Article summary

Torch provides key 360 metrics that give you insight into your leadership strengths and challenges as perceived by you and your colleagues. The 360 results are broken down into two primary sections, the Summary and Details tabs. Every data point included in the results is organized by section and outlined in detail below.

360 Results Main Image


Upon accessing your 360 results, the Summary tab will open by default.

TORCH TIP: Click the Download PDF button at the top of the page to send a PDF of your 360 results to the email address associated with your Torch account.


A high-level summary of the items in the 360 assessment that were rated highest by feedback providers. Strengths are listed in descending order by rating. To qualify as a strength, an item's average rating must be at least 4 out of 5. 


Hidden Strengths

Individual items in the 360 assessment are identified as hidden strengths if your self-rating for the item is lower than the average colleague rating by at least 0.75, and the average colleague rating is greater than 4 out of 5. For each hidden strength, this section displays the difference between your self-rating score and the average colleague rating.

Hidden Strengths


A high-level summary of the items in the 360 assessment that were rated lowest by feedback providers. Challenges are listed in ascending order by rating (i.e., lowest item first, then second lowest, and so on). To quality as a challenge, an item's average rating must be no higher than 4 out of 5.


Hidden Opportunities

Individual items in the 360 assessment are identified as hidden opportunities if your self-rating for the item is higher than the average colleague rating by at least 0.75, and the average colleague rating is lower than 3.75 out of 5. For each hidden opportunity, this section displays the difference between your self-rating score and the average colleague rating.

Hidden Opportunities

Score Comparison by Domain

This section compares your self-assessment scores to how colleagues rated you across each of the leadership domains. Includes a graph illustrating the gaps and alignments between your perceptions and your colleagues' perceptions.

NOTE: The image below includes the standard Torch 360 leadership domainsYour organization may have chosen to create its own 360 assessment with customized leadership domains.

Score Comparison by Domain


Click the Details tab to view your average scores and individual statement scores by leadership domain, as well as your written feedback.

Average Score by Relationship

When the 360 results are released, an average self-rating score and colleague rating score is created for each leadership domain. Depending on your program's configuration, the colleague score will either use an average of all colleague scores (most common), or be broken down by colleague category, such as peer, manager, or direct report.

Average Score by Relationship

TORCH TIP: Sometimes you'll find that you've rated yourself higher than your colleagues, lower than your colleagues, or similar to your colleagues. Whatever the case, use the feedback to create learning goals and a development plan.

Individual Statements

Expand each leadership domain section to see how you've rated yourself and how your colleagues have rated you for each individual statement within that domain.

Individual Statements

Written Feedback

In addition to providing feedback on each statement within each leadership domain, your colleagues may be asked to provide written feedback to specific questions. This written, or qualitative, feedback adds valuable context to your 360 scores, and provides a foundation upon which to create learning goals that will be of greatest impact for growth.

Written Feedback