About Coach NPS and Coach Satisfaction Score
  • 25 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

About Coach NPS and Coach Satisfaction Score

Article summary

Review this article to learn more about Coach Satisfaction Score and Coach Net Promoter Score (NPS).

About Coach Satisfaction Score

What is Coach Satisfaction Score?

Coach Satisfaction Score is a measure of participants’ satisfaction with their coach.

How is Coach Satisfaction Score calculated?

Coach Satisfaction Score is based on participants' responses to four questions in the Coaching Experience Survey:

  • "My coach helped me work toward my goals."

  • "I felt supported by my coach."

  • "I enjoyed working with my coach."

  • "My coach communicates responsively between sessions and shows up on time."

Each question uses the same scale:

  • 1 = Strongly disagree

  • 2 = Disagree

  • 3 = Neutral

  • 4 = Agree

  • 5 = Strongly agree

Coach Satisfaction Score is calculated by averaging the scores across all four questions, for each participant.

When will participants be asked the Coach Satisfaction Score questions?

For 3-Month, 6-Month, and 12-Month coaching engagements, participants will complete the Coaching Experience Survey with the Coach Satisfaction Score questions in the third month of their partnerships.

What is a good Coach Satisfaction Score?

Aim for 4.5 or above for a cohort or program Coach Satisfaction Score.

TORCH TIP: Monitor scores for feedback about coaches and take action to follow up with participants who may be unhappy with their coach. To do so, select your program, then click the Program surveys tab. From the Partnership surveys section, select the Coaching experience survey, then click Export CSV at the top to view responses by participant.

About Coach Net Promoter Score (NPS)

What is Coach NPS?

Coach Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a one-question measure of customer loyalty and satisfaction. NPS is a simple measure that suggests clear action for a business to take: Convert “detractors” into enthusiastic “promoters”.

How is Coach NPS calculated?

At Torch, Coach NPS is based on participants’ answers to this question: “On a scale of 1 to 10, I would recommend my coach to a friend looking for coaching.” Participants will answer this question in both the Coaching Experience Survey and Coaching Impact Survey. The scale is:

  • 1 = Not at all likely

  • 10 = Very likely

The most recent response to the question from each participant is incorporated into the Coach NPS metric. Before Torch calculates Coach NPS, we first separate participants’ scores into three groups:

  • Promoters (scores 9 and 10) -  Participants who were most enthusiastic about their coaches.

  • Passives (scores 7 and 8) - Participants who were neither enthusiastic nor dissatisfied.

  • Detractors (scores 6 and below) - Participants who were dissatisfied.

Once participants are separated into groups, Torch calculates Coach NPS by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. Scores can range from -100 to +100. 

NOTE: For simplicity, the “%” sign is removed when Coach NPS is reported.

When will participants be asked the Coach NPS question?

A summary of when participants will be asked the Coach NPS question and in which surveys during 3-Month, 6-Month, and 12-Month coaching engagements is included below.

3-Month Coaching Engagement

6-Month Coaching Engagement

12-Month Coaching Engagement

Partnership Month 3

Coaching Experience Survey

Coaching Experience Survey

Coaching Experience Survey

Partnership Month 5


Coaching Impact Survey

Coaching Impact Survey

Partnership Month 9



Coaching Impact Survey

What is a good Coach NPS?

Aim for a cohort or program Coach NPS of +71 or above. If your organization’s Coach NPS is below +35, consider the coaching experience of the participants. Participants are less likely to be enthusiastic if they just started coaching, and some participants may be Detractors (scores 1–6).

TORCH TIP: Monitor scores for feedback about coaches and take action to follow up with participants who may be unhappy with their coach. To do so, select your program, then click the Program surveys tab. From the Partnership surveys section, select the Coaching experience or Coaching impact survey, then click Export CSV at the top to view responses by participant.